What is the difference between the Duke’s Doppelganger and the Duke?
One of the options for eliminating the Duke of Abele is the Duke’s Doppelganger quest. It will be “given out” to you by your accomplice Megan Foster by saying that the Duke keeps it with him for some purpose. There are only a few distinguishing features that will help you to recognize the double and not to fail the mission. First, the double, unlike the Duke, is an avid smoker. Every free minute he will try to devote to a cigar. If the double is not smoking, then at this moment he is thinking about what a wonderful ruler he could have become and curses the real Duke to the death. He should steal the key to the trunk. Stealing is bad, but not in this game.
The real Duke does NOT smoke, and in talking to himself he expresses genuine admiration for Dalila and remembers his brother. He also carries with him the key to the treasury.
Where to find the Duke’s double?
The quest is quite easy to do, but sometimes you have trouble locating the right object. Both the double and the duke can be found in the following locations in the palace: the second floor – the garden and the throne room; the fourth floor – Abele’s study and Dalila’s room; the fifth floor – Abele’s private chambers. The author managed to find a double on the top floor, in the Duke’s apartments, at the desk on the balcony. In the chambers, by the way, there are a couple of secluded corners, which is very convenient to hide stunned guards. Use it to your health.
Mission Completion
Important point! The quest involves stealthy passing. In practice, the author had a case where the passage of a high level of chaos in an accidental scuffle Duke died. It’s a shame, but the quest was ruined, and the doppelganger becomes completely unfeasible and useless.
Both of them won’t attack you, which is not the case with the two guardsmen who walk with each target. Eliminate the guards or wait for them to move away. And they certainly will, and the Duke and his double will send them away at regular intervals. You can talk to both of them, both will introduce themselves as “not the Duke,” but the Duke’s trumpet will run to sound the alarm after the conversation. Wait a certain amount of time, look at the behavior, if you do not feel completely confident that the person in front of you is the one you want.
If you talk to the false duke, Corvo or Emily will suggest that he take the place of the real duke. In turn, the double will say that he himself has long thought about it, but never had the time, but now that you are here, but he will boldly declare that he will not be a puppet of the empire and will make laws that do not suppress the people. Commendable courage for a front man! And he will offer you a plan. You will NOT have to kill the Duke, but stun him to his chambers, on a big round bed, where the false Duke will be waiting for you. He will play it off as if the doppelganger has lost his mind, too much in character, and ask the captain of the guards to take Abele away. For the soldiers to believe him, he will have to show them the amulet, which only the real Duke has. You can also find the key to the treasury at the real Duke. You will need the treasury key to open the round building on the side of the palace and to advance on the main quest.